DRS Notice 22-013, Election Worker FICA Withholding Reminder
In our role as the State Social Security Administrator for Washington, the Department of Retirement Systems is reminding public employers of the unique FICA withholding requirements for election workers.
Election workers are not covered by a Section 218 Agreement in Washington. This means your organization will follow the normal IRS rules regarding reporting and withholding requirements for election workers. See the IRS website at https://www.irs.gov/government-entities/federal-state-local-governments/election-workers-reporting-and-withholding.
The State Social Security Administrator for Washington is located in the Old Age & Survivors Insurance (OASI) Program at DRS. For questions, please contact us at 360-664-7165 or email us at drs.oasi@drs.wa.gov. Visit the DRS website for more information about OASI Social Security for public employers.