Help us serve you better

Do you have ideas for making our communications clearer? We are looking to build a bank of members and retirees to participate in upcoming focus groups designed to improve our systems and how we communicate with you.

What will we ask you to do?

We may ask you to review benefit information – such as letters or other materials – navigate the DRS website or chime in on the best ways to reach you. We may also ask what information you’d like to see when it comes to growing your retirement.

Who are we looking for?

We’re looking for active and retired state employees, teachers, first responders and employees of local municipalities – anyone who has a retirement account managed by the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems.

What’s the time commitment?

We estimate that each session will last about an hour. They may be in-person or via a Zoom webinar. If you join our focus group pool, you can choose the topics that are most relevant or most important to you. You will not be required to join them all. We’re anticipating holding focus groups periodically over the next 3 years.

How do I join?

Please send an email with your name and the best way to reach you. Let us know you want to participate, and which retirement system you belong to (PERS, SERS, TRS, PSERS, LEOFF, WSPRS and Judges). You can also share any retirement topics you’re most interested in.

Join the focus group pool by emailing For security reasons, please do not include personal information (such as your Social Security number). We are unable to answer questions you submit here. For account help, contact DRS directly.

Thank you for your interest in helping us improve; we look forward to learning from you.

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