January Plan 3 transfer window

The retirement plan you choose is permanent. There is an exception for active customers who joined Plan 2 before a certain date. Each January, eligible members of Plan 2 can choose to make a permanent transfer to Plan 3.

TRS Plan 2 Transfer to Plan 3

  • TRS Plan 2 members who began service before July 1, 2007

PERS Plan 2 Transfer to Plan 3

  • State and higher education employees who began service before March 1, 2002
  • Local government employees who began service before Sept. 1, 2002

SERS Plan 2 Transfer to Plan 3

  • SERS Plan 2 members (without past PERS Plan 2 service) who first established membership before July 1, 2007
  • SERS Plan 2 members (with past PERS Plan 2 service) who first established membership before Aug. 1, 2009

If this applies to you, and you would like to transfer from Plan 2 to Plan 3, complete a Member Transfer form and submit it to your employer by Jan. 31. DRS will transfer your Plan 2 contributions, and any interest earned, to a Plan 3 investment account.

For more information about the differences between Plan 2 and Plan 3, see Plan Choice.

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