Public Records Request Notification

The Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) has received a public records request from the Seattle Times for information about members of the state’s retirement systems, including retirees and non-retirees, for a one-year period. The Seattle Times has been making this request annually for the past several years, and DRS provides this information to them as…

2025 Pension-Related Legislation

The 2025 Legislative session begins Jan. 13, 2025. We’re tracking retirement-related topics in the table below. Check back or subscribe for weekly updates about bills being considered that may have a fiscal impact on DRS. For complete information, see the Washington State Legislature website. Find pension-related legislation tracked in the 2024 session.

Plan 3 transfer window open in Jan.

Each January, active members who joined Plan 2 before a certain date have the option to transfer to Plan 3. Plan 3 has two parts: a pension account and an investment account. Your employer pays into your pension fund, while your contributions go into an investment account that you control. Plan 3 rules allow you…

State pension funding at 96%

Public employees in Washington State can take comfort in the security of their retirement funds. Our state pension system, administered through the Department of Retirement Systems, is 96% funded. This places us among the top 5 pension systems in the nation. The Office of the State Actuary calculates this funding status yearly. Washington is a…

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