DRS Procurements and Supplier Diversity

DRS is committed to partnering with vendors that are invested in our mutual success. This page is where DRS posts available opportunities for vendor bidding, also called a Request for Proposal or RFP. Find out here how you can do business with us, review current and forecasted procurements, and read our goals for supplier diversity.

How to do business with us

Subscribe to information for vendors to be notified when new DRS procurements are available.

We post all bid notifications, addenda, and updates on Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS). You can register with WEBS to get bid notifications from all participating government agencies. 

Current procurements

Solicitation Number: 24-11 DRS Draft Sole Source Contract
Exhibit A – Draft Contract
Sole Source Filing Justification
Sole Source Legal Notice

Project name: iTalent Digital
General information:

iTalent Digital provides DRS with a software solution for tracking, analyzing, and reporting on organizational change management metrics (impacts, readiness, adoption, training) for individual projects/initiatives and accumulative metrics for all active projects/initiatives to evaluate change saturation at organizational, divisional, and workgroup levels. Additionally, they provide a toolbox for practitioners to manage OCM plans and activities. It is important the tool is agnostic to various OCM methodology or frameworks. 

Potential Opportunities

In accordance with Executive Order 22-01, we prepare a forecast of potential opportunities to provide advance notice to all vendors. This report forecasts through Sept. 30, 2024 and will be updated Oct.1.

DRS Supplier Diversity Program

We are committed to ensuring that public money is spent equitably in the private sector by creating meaningful opportunities for small and diverse businesses to work with us. Our 2024 goals are to spend at least:

  • 6% with minority and women-owned businesses
  • 1% with veteran-owned businesses

We encourage the participation of small, veteran-owned, minority-owned and women’s business enterprises. These resources may assist you in responding to procurements:


Wendy Kancianich
Contracts Manager: Email
Additional contact information

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