Retirees may continue CFD donations

Like pumpkins, cooler days and football, the state’s Combined Fund Drive  – CFD – campaign returns each fall. If you’re retired or are planning to retire soon, keep in mind that you may continue – or begin – to donate to CFD after you retire.

“The biggest thing we want our retirees to know is that our donor system is an ‘opt out’ program,” says CFD Marketing and Training Coordinator Leila Anoina. “So, if they are currently donating and then go into retirement, their donations follow them until they go into their account and cancel it or contact us.”

If you were not donating to CFD through payroll deduction at the time of your retirement, you can begin doing so at any time.

“Retirees can set up reoccurring donations to their favorite charities through the CFD website,” says DRS Retirement Readiness Director Seth Miller.

CFD is Washington state’s workplace giving program for public employees and retirees. The program is made up of over 4,500 charities. For the last five years, over $5.1 million has been pledged annually by CFD donors.

Donors may give through monthly payroll deductions, a one-time contribution and limited-time contributions. More information on both CFD and all its member charities is available on the CFD website.

Just like health care deductions, DRS cannot change CFD contributions for retirees. You must make changes directly through the organizations.

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